WDEF Chattanooga: Bipartisan Council Warns of Post Election Unrest

In the run up to the 2020 Presidential Election, many citizens and officials alike fear the possibility of civil unrest in the wake of Tuesday’s election.

But members of the National Council on Election Integrity are warning that we might not find out who the winner of the election is until days after the election.

The council, which is a bipartisan group comprising of over 40 former Cabinet secretaries, elected officials, and military leaders, announced plans to spend over 6 million dollars on advertising nationally and in key battleground states in the post-election period.

Their goal is to ensure that every American’s vote – especially those in states such as Michigan where votes are still counted past election day – is counted.

Former House Representative from Tennessee’s Third District, Zach Wamp, urged against the idea of candidates declaring an early victory on election night, saying that it could ignite violence in many American cities.

“There’s tremendous interest in this election, that’s the good news. The bad news is we’re very tribal and there’s almost a tinder box out there that could be ignited that we’re concerned about, you know, violence,” says Zach Wamp.

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