Protecting our elections in 2024 and beyond

The current risks to our democracy are both real and profound. Partisan politicians and officials around the nation are working to undermine our elections. Following Issue One and our National Council on Election Integrity’s 2020 Count Every Vote campaign, we’ve continued our work to protect our elections in 2024 and beyond.

Add your name and join us in our efforts to protect election workers from threats and intimidation, provide election offices with more federal funding, and build trust in our election and those who run them.


Who We Are

The National Council on Election Integrity, a project of Issue One, is a bipartisan group of leading political, government, and civic leaders dedicated to defending our democracy. We are united around protecting our elections and ensuring that every American’s vote is counted in accordance with applicable laws.

Count ME IN!

We must unite to defend and protect the voice of American voters and the hard-working officials and volunteers that run our elections and make our democracy work.